Probably, the reason for the departure
The transition to remote work due to the pandemic, and with the end of the self-isolation regime, the client will return, but it is better to make sure of this. To prevent the growth of the indicator, segment customers by income level and estimate the probability of leaving. 3. CRR — client retention rate The metric is the inverse of the customer churn rate — the sum of the indicators adds up to 100%.What will show: How many clients have been saved. Why is it important to consider in the current situation: If you consider the indicator of customer outflow, CRR will not give new information. But it will allow Specific Database to look at the situation from another angle, from the point of view of retention. What to do with the results: Pay attention to those who manage to save in this difficult time.
Retaining clients is easier and cheaper: Invesp found out that attracting a new client is 5 times more expensive than keeping an existing one. Improve the loyalty program, make personalized offers and promptly respond to complaints and questions. Do not forget to evaluate the margin when deciding whether to retain a client: the higher the margin, the greater the profit.